Thursday, December 31, 2009
Possible last post for 2009
I'll be at home for New years eve and day. I'll be hanging with a friend, crafting, sipping margaritas, and going for walks. Nice and relaxing. I have felt like I have spent no time at home the last few months, and when I do it is all rush rush rush. I know that isn't true, but I am ready to dig in here and get a few things done as well as just spend time here NOT doing anything.
Happy New years everyone. May 2010 be better than 2009. If not, maybe we can jump it in the school parking lot and teach it to fear us and behave!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
let it snow!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Christmas madness followed by a Belated Birthday dinner
Went out to that Macaroni Grill for a belated Birthday celebration. I was taken out by a handsome man that I have started seeing. I dressed up all pretty and showed off my lovely legs to any who would peek. Might as well, while I still have cute legs to show! I dined on bread fresh from the oven, calamari, twice baked lasagna and a salad. Washed it all down with a pomegranate martini and some water. To stuffed to try their dessert, so maybe that will have to be a follow-up Belated Birthday Celebration. Yeah! I like that idea!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I am a delight, so HA!
This is the comment I received from him in his latest email;"Thanks so much Sylvia you are a delight as a client in the often vast and desolate wilderness."
I love being able to make people 'delight' during their day!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Christmas bits.
This Christmas is wearing me out. I thought about my Christmas in Switzerland for about the billion-ith time today. I definitely want to do that again. It felt like Christmas, where as this year doesn't because of the retail craziness. I am thankful, thankful thankful for a job. However, I wish there was some way to make this holiday feel the way it should. Crabby customers and the crazy, busy pace really drain me and suck any Christmas spirit right out. However, I have come up with some very creative lyrics for the cheesy Christmas songs we are playing over the sound system at work. I guess Michaels IS where creativity happens!
Oh, I made a pretty little candle holder for a tea light. Then I scented the house with a little cedar by doing something my mom used to do. I heated a few cedar sprigs over the flames. It was a nice relaxing way to end the work day.
Pug is laying on my computer desk intently watching the cursor zip across the page and make word. Hahaha!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Pug thinks he is a dog!
What a strange little guy he is.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Must be getting better
Being sick has it's perks.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Cheap insulation
Of course, it is also Pug approved!

Cold Kitties
Saturday, November 28, 2009
What time is it anyways?
I made my first sweet potato pie. It was easy, but this recipe makes the pie to sweet. Tastes like a huge pie crust full of sugar to me. However, other people like it, so it wasn't a complete loss. I'll try it again after I have had more time looking for a recipe.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
My parents are home!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
I think I have been adopted.

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Now I will concentrate on Christmas.
I took a management position at work. Rumor has it the position I held would be eliminated in the spring. So, I stepped into the space my dear friend Emily made when she moved to Tacoma. I am starting to remember all the reasons I hated being in management for Michaels the first time. However, many things have changed since I last held keys, including me. Maybe I will deal with the stress better this time around. I do like being in charge of the stocking crew. They are a good bunch of people, and it won't take much to tighten up a few things there and make them run better.
I am off to the beach this weekend. A friend invited me to the coast, and I am not passing up the opportunity. I am paying for the gas, the friend is covering everything else. We will head out Friday and be back Sunday evening at some unknown time.
Is it Friday yet?
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ruth and I let 3 of the 4 cats out this morning. Muffin went right into Ruths house and curled up for a nap. The other 2 took off running. The fourth cat is still at my place. He is a little slow recovering, so I am keeping him in until he eats a little and gets some of his strength back.
Well, I am off to get my laundry. Then I will start crafting Christmas gifts! I will be going into town tonight to spend time with a friend and sleep over. Tomorrow we will play, either at the Zoo or the beach, depending on the weather.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Two great things happened today!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Felt Inchie

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Earth ATC card

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Party in my medicine cabinet!

Monday, September 21, 2009
The real reason I bought a toy armadillo.

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Farm Girl ATC
The goal was to create a farm girl themed ATC. I immediately thought of doing a spin-off of Botecelli's 'Venus on the Half Shell' and replacing the oyster with and egg. Because all my images came out blue/purple, I broke out he acrylic paints and scumbled color on the images. The Venus of my picture is my American Grandmother, who I loved! I think she would have liked what I did.
Here's how it ended up.

To keep it safe from bending during mailing, I made a cardboard sleeve and tied it together with one of those big ties you get around the head of a lettuce from the store. It says 'Fresh Garden Vegetables' on it, and I felt that was very appropriate.

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Fabulous weekend!
It was great to see her and have some quality catch-up time.
Friday we went to Powells Book Store because, well, you HAVE to go to Powells when you visit Portland or you will be smite-ed by the God of Books. I am sure of it! Then we wandered down town a little, ate nachos at a great little Mexican dive and washed it down with beer. Then it was off for home and time for dinner, drinking, and chatting.
Saturday we went garage sale shopping, wandered the beautiful town of Vernonia, had a rootbeer flaot, walked the neighbors' dog, did a little crafting, a little reading, a little sleeping, and a LOT of eating and fair amount of wine consumming.
Sunday we had a lazy morning and then packed up the jeep and pointed it back toward Seattle. Sandra left me with a refridgerator full of meals and an smile on my face. Thanks Friend!
I am all tuckered out from my most fabulous weekend with my most fabulous friend. After I saw her off this morning I accidentally fell into bed and took a short nap. It was very sad, but I got over it. *Hehehe* Then, true to form, I got up and started in on the things I needed to get done. Walked the neighbor’s dog again and cleaned his place up a little for him, since he is in the hospital. Finished my ATC swap, cleaned up, did bills, called various peoples, fixed the manger my mom made me for Christmas a few years back, and so on. I am wrapping my fabulous weekend up with some posties, and then heading off to bed. Tomorrow starts at 3:45am, and I feel it looming.
Oh, did I mention I met Ruth, the Cat Lady across the street? I have wanted to meet her, since she takes care of so many of the local strays and feral cats. I am going to see if I can help her out by getting the food she needs in town where it is cheaper. She will still pay for it, I will simply be the grunt with the car. Since she is feeding 14 cats at the moment and is 90 years old, I figure I can help out a little. She also wants to get them fixed, and has the money to do so, but no way to get them to a vet or to the Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon. I, however, can provide the ride for that endevor, and would with a happy heart!
Together we shall lower the cat population in Vernonia. I am very excited!
Three of Four
I finished the third ATC for the 4 Element swap I am doing. I will send it out tomorrow, and then I need to get busy creating the Farmgirl ATC I mail on Thursday.

This is the back of my 'Wind' ATC. A have been doing all the cards in this set in the same style, and I have really liked how they have turned out.
Friday, September 11, 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009
more swaps

Monday, August 24, 2009
My first bookmarks

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Home goodness

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Crafty home decor

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Crafting really is theraputic

Friday, August 14, 2009
The things I do when I am sick.

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Latest completed swap

Next one I have to make is for water. I plan on making all four in the same style, just for fun!
swap stuff

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
There is hot chocolate, paper, a pen with a lily on the top, a bag with some buttons, glitter and ribbon in it, and 2 kits to make butterflies and flowers. My partner had a child and I thought it would be fun to send her something they could do together
My second swap was another color swap, and I put together a package in the color black for this partner.

This had fabric, a goodies bag with buttons, glitter and a few other crafty things, gum, fringe and a figurine of the witch from Snow white.
I included a postcard with greetings in each of the packages.
I went to the post office and mailed another swap today, and apparently I have gotten the 2 ladies who work the front counter addicted to Swap-Bot. Hahahaha! Looking forward to hearing about their adventures.
Monday, August 3, 2009
It has been hard to do anything that last few weeks because of the hot weather. Yet, I know I have kept busy. I simply can’t remember all I have been doing with myself.
Other than sweating, that is.
I shall share what I can recall in my old age.
The chicks are all grown up and now in the chicken coop. They are being put in their place by the crankier of the 2 old hens. She was actually getting pretty violent with them, so she spent a few days outside the coop. She did not like being separated from her buddy, and seems to have mellowed a bit. We will see if it lasts.
Michael humored me by replacing his poor mailbox post with a newer one. Instead of using a wooden post, he used an old tractor tire. It turned out quite nice, and I love it. He did almost all of the work, but I took a ton of pictures, which I hope to get and post here soon. Until then, a picture of the final product will have to do.
I had a fabulous time visiting my Friend in New York State. She owns a very old but beautiful house in Rochester. I was there for 4 days and helped her glaze windows and paint window frames. I love doing that sort of thing, so it was a fun way to spend my vacation. We had much catching up to do, and I think we managed to get a lot of it done. She showed me around, and I wandered the town myself and took pictures. I’ll get some of them posted here soon. Was simply waiting for a break in the weather.
I saw lightening bugs, and I must say that was the best treat! It was like watching white Christmas lights flying around. What an amazing little bug! I don’t know that I could date someone whose butt lit up, but I guess girl lightening bugs find that very attractive.
I know I have done much more since I last posted, but I can't think of what those things are. I'll post a few more updates here and try and play catch up as my brain starts to function again..
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Tractor Love!
I am relieved that the weather has cooled down. I love the heat, but it has been entirely to humid. I have been drinking lots of extra water. I even made peppermint iced tea yesterday. Perfect in this hot weather.
The chicks are teenagers now, and they are becoming comfortable in their outdoor coop. The 2 smallest are Bantams, and They have the featheriest feet. It is hilarious to look at. I will try and get a picture to post.
I leave on vacation this Wednesday. I will be flying out to Rochester to see Diana and her new home. I will help her pull down wall paper, paint, and do many other fun home improvement things. I come home the 20th, so we have a lot of catching up and working to do in a short time. It will be nice to see her again.
Well, off to do dishes, clean up my space, and get ready for work tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
PB is becoming comfortable being in the house when we are around, and we can pick her up for pets and snuggles. Porter does not flee from us, but stays a safe distance. He's not sure what to think of us, but seems to want to be friends. Maybe his watching us interact with PB will help him realize we just want to be friends and take care of him.
chick pic
Thursday, April 23, 2009
2 day old chicks!
2 Bantams. They are tiny little peepers, and Michael and I are keeping an eye on the temperature of their
environment to make sure they stay toasty warm. They need to be kept at about 95 F for the first week. I will take pictures tomorrow and post them this weekend. Oh Autumn bear, you couldn’t be afraid of these little
snuggly guys! Wish you were here!
It looks like Michael and I have been adopted by a long haired black and white cat. It’s a young female, and we have named her P.B. This stands for Pre Blend, since she is the colors it takes to make gray (the color of
Michaels’ other 5 cats) but is not actually gray. She is soft and has a sweet little meow. She let Michael pick her up, and I have petted her a bunch. We hope to catch her soon and get her to a spay/neuter clinic in Portland. She is in heat, and we do not need any little P.B.s running about the farm. I’ll try and get a picture of her as well. She has an adorable face!
Well, off to peek at the chicks and get ready for bed. We will be getting up and monitoring the temperature
in the chick environment tonight, so sleep will be interrupted all night. It’s worth it, though. Cute little peepers, they are!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I have spent part of my morning on the front steps, watching the cats play and listening to all the interesting sounds starlings make. They have quite a range of vocalizations. It was nice to sit and drink my coffee and not do anything. Not like I have much drive or strength. Still, I plan on accomplishing a little something today. A movie is on my list and so is crafting. I also need to make some food for work this week. I made cookies last night, hoping it would help me feel better, but once I was done eating the extra dough, I felt the same.
Scrawny is meowing outside the office door, so I think I will go snuggle with him.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sunday morning
I started crafting. I read on a website that you can iron plastic bags from the supermarket together and then make things from them. You can, and man it it strong material. I have seen totes made from them that are much stronger than a regular tote. After messing around with the ironed bags, I can believe it!
I also started decorating a wooden box. I have 6 of them, and I have an idea for one that if it turns out will go to a dear friend of mine. I also have an idea for another, but it involves decoupaging a ton of tiny scrapes of paper, and I need to first save up these tiny scraps. I have a strong urge to glue things. I have no idea why, but I am going to give into my urge today and do so.
I also plan on prepping the garden for starts. I am hoping the frosts are over. I want to get things in the ground, like tomatoes, zucchini and potatoes.
I have some pictures on the camera of the kitties that I will hopefully get to post later. Right now I want to head outside and watch the humming birds and finish my coffee.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
What I am done liberating.
Wesley the owl [sound recording (book on CD)] : the remarkable love story of an owl and his girl
On becoming fearless [sound recording (book on CD)] : ... in love, work, and life
The arts and crafts movement in the Pacific Northwest
I'd read more, but I have podcasts that must be listened to as well. And today I am only taking a brief moment inside to eat and do some quick catching up here. And fix something for my Dad. Then it's back out to pull weeds and gather a few things for some crafting.
Oh, I am full of ideas!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Crafting bug and cleaning.
I went through all the boxes in the studio and gave away 1/3 of what I had to a gal who is having a garage sale. then I resorted, repacked and reorganized the studio. Then out came the vacuum and broom, and I sucked up the dirt and dead bugs. It is almost 100% ready, and well past the ready mark for crafting and painting. I need to get a couple pieces of plywood for the walls so I have a seamless surface to do my big paintings on, and I need to find some lost hardware or buy replacement hardware for my easel. I also want to get some wheels for a book cube I had made for my old computer setup so I can have a rolling paint palette and paint holder. This way I can just push it back and forth between the two big paintings, allowing me the joy of working both at once. I might even try and raise the whole thing so it is more comfy to use. I shall have to see what needs to be done and see if my darling has scrap wood he will part with. The less I have to buy, the better. Also, I am going to get a screen door so I can open the place up in the summer and get a breeze.
Please let the weather warm up soon so I can decoupage/paint/craft/felt/fall into crafting and art bliss.
On top off all this, I moved a few stray daffodils I missed, wrestled with a huge line up of blackberry bushes that are taking over a stretch of fencing, watched "The Bucket List" and a motorcycle race or two, did dishes, made French toast, and am now off to gather what I will need for the arrival of the 6 baby chicks Tuesday. Oh, and I need to make lunch for tomorrow.
Maybe I'll sleep good tonight. I hope. Not a bad Easter weekend, if you ask me!
What I am liberating from the library (for a short time, anyways).
Handmade nation : the rise of DIY, art, craft, and design
Eco-craft : recycle-recraft-restyle
Wesley the owl [sound recording (book on CD)] : the remarkable love story of an owl and his gir
On becoming fearless [sound recording (book on CD)] : ... in love, work, and life
Why we suck : a feel good guide to staying fat, loud, lazy and stupid
Life is a verb : 37 days to wake up, be mindful, and live intentionally
The arts and crafts movement in the Pacific Northwest
Why so many craft books, you ask? Well, look for another post explaining why!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
The girls!
After a trip to the vet this morning with 3 of 5 cats for a quickie check-up and shots, we boogied home and happily started playing outside. I am clearing out the weeds from around the house and liberating the daffodils, roses and peonies. Michael is playing with his farm equipment, getting ready to spray, harrow and mow various parts of the acreage. I made a potato casserole for lunch. Yum, yum yum! I gave in to my springtime desires yesterday and purchased 6 pansies and 2 geraniums for the 2 front flower pots. They have been planted and I have planted my nasturtiums seeds along the side of the house. I have also transplanted some volunteer peonies and irises. after this post I will chase the girls with the camera and try and get a couple shots for you. Besides, I want to go back outside.
This was our home only a few short weeks ago.

My spring desire. I love the orange pansies. They are my favorite pansy color.
My baby is having an after lunch snack of pasta on his ATV. The spraying aparatus is hooked up to the back of it.

The daffodils are everywhere, giving the place a bit of sunshine even when it is cloudy.

This is our place in the sun. The snow is pretty, but the sun is even better!