I purchased 6 baby chicks today! I didn’t want to wait any longer. I bought 2 Araucanas, 2 Goldens, and
2 Bantams. They are tiny little peepers, and Michael and I are keeping an eye on the temperature of their
environment to make sure they stay toasty warm. They need to be kept at about 95 F for the first week. I will take pictures tomorrow and post them this weekend. Oh Autumn bear, you couldn’t be afraid of these little
snuggly guys! Wish you were here!
It looks like Michael and I have been adopted by a long haired black and white cat. It’s a young female, and we have named her P.B. This stands for Pre Blend, since she is the colors it takes to make gray (the color of
Michaels’ other 5 cats) but is not actually gray. She is soft and has a sweet little meow. She let Michael pick her up, and I have petted her a bunch. We hope to catch her soon and get her to a spay/neuter clinic in Portland. She is in heat, and we do not need any little P.B.s running about the farm. I’ll try and get a picture of her as well. She has an adorable face!
Well, off to peek at the chicks and get ready for bed. We will be getting up and monitoring the temperature
in the chick environment tonight, so sleep will be interrupted all night. It’s worth it, though. Cute little peepers, they are!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
It smelled like honey, cut grass and the sun when I arrived home last night. I am fighting a bit of a flu bug, so I am staying home today. I slept until the Fedex man knocked on the door, and then wandered around with the camera and took a few pictures. I am trying not to sleep all day, or I will be up all night and feel bad at work tomorrow.
I have spent part of my morning on the front steps, watching the cats play and listening to all the interesting sounds starlings make. They have quite a range of vocalizations. It was nice to sit and drink my coffee and not do anything. Not like I have much drive or strength. Still, I plan on accomplishing a little something today. A movie is on my list and so is crafting. I also need to make some food for work this week. I made cookies last night, hoping it would help me feel better, but once I was done eating the extra dough, I felt the same.
Scrawny is meowing outside the office door, so I think I will go snuggle with him.
I have spent part of my morning on the front steps, watching the cats play and listening to all the interesting sounds starlings make. They have quite a range of vocalizations. It was nice to sit and drink my coffee and not do anything. Not like I have much drive or strength. Still, I plan on accomplishing a little something today. A movie is on my list and so is crafting. I also need to make some food for work this week. I made cookies last night, hoping it would help me feel better, but once I was done eating the extra dough, I felt the same.
Scrawny is meowing outside the office door, so I think I will go snuggle with him.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sunday morning
Had a wonderful day yesterday. I am in the process of liberating the irises. Michael has a ton of white ones growing around the house. I was going to skip pulling the weeds amongst them, but could not resist. I started on the side of the house that has the wild bee hive. I was able to get most of that before the bees got annoyed and sent out the lone dive bomber to mess with me. Funny how something so small can shoo away a creature as big as I quickly and effectively.
I started crafting. I read on a website that you can iron plastic bags from the supermarket together and then make things from them. You can, and man it it strong material. I have seen totes made from them that are much stronger than a regular tote. After messing around with the ironed bags, I can believe it!
I also started decorating a wooden box. I have 6 of them, and I have an idea for one that if it turns out will go to a dear friend of mine. I also have an idea for another, but it involves decoupaging a ton of tiny scrapes of paper, and I need to first save up these tiny scraps. I have a strong urge to glue things. I have no idea why, but I am going to give into my urge today and do so.
I also plan on prepping the garden for starts. I am hoping the frosts are over. I want to get things in the ground, like tomatoes, zucchini and potatoes.
I have some pictures on the camera of the kitties that I will hopefully get to post later. Right now I want to head outside and watch the humming birds and finish my coffee.
I started crafting. I read on a website that you can iron plastic bags from the supermarket together and then make things from them. You can, and man it it strong material. I have seen totes made from them that are much stronger than a regular tote. After messing around with the ironed bags, I can believe it!
I also started decorating a wooden box. I have 6 of them, and I have an idea for one that if it turns out will go to a dear friend of mine. I also have an idea for another, but it involves decoupaging a ton of tiny scrapes of paper, and I need to first save up these tiny scraps. I have a strong urge to glue things. I have no idea why, but I am going to give into my urge today and do so.
I also plan on prepping the garden for starts. I am hoping the frosts are over. I want to get things in the ground, like tomatoes, zucchini and potatoes.
I have some pictures on the camera of the kitties that I will hopefully get to post later. Right now I want to head outside and watch the humming birds and finish my coffee.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
What I am done liberating.
Fashions of a decade. The 1940s
Wesley the owl [sound recording (book on CD)] : the remarkable love story of an owl and his girl
On becoming fearless [sound recording (book on CD)] : ... in love, work, and life
The arts and crafts movement in the Pacific Northwest
I'd read more, but I have podcasts that must be listened to as well. And today I am only taking a brief moment inside to eat and do some quick catching up here. And fix something for my Dad. Then it's back out to pull weeds and gather a few things for some crafting.
Oh, I am full of ideas!
Wesley the owl [sound recording (book on CD)] : the remarkable love story of an owl and his girl
On becoming fearless [sound recording (book on CD)] : ... in love, work, and life
The arts and crafts movement in the Pacific Northwest
I'd read more, but I have podcasts that must be listened to as well. And today I am only taking a brief moment inside to eat and do some quick catching up here. And fix something for my Dad. Then it's back out to pull weeds and gather a few things for some crafting.
Oh, I am full of ideas!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Crafting bug and cleaning.
I have spent the weekend doing something I wanted to do instead of something I HAVE to do. Yeah me!
I went through all the boxes in the studio and gave away 1/3 of what I had to a gal who is having a garage sale. then I resorted, repacked and reorganized the studio. Then out came the vacuum and broom, and I sucked up the dirt and dead bugs. It is almost 100% ready, and well past the ready mark for crafting and painting. I need to get a couple pieces of plywood for the walls so I have a seamless surface to do my big paintings on, and I need to find some lost hardware or buy replacement hardware for my easel. I also want to get some wheels for a book cube I had made for my old computer setup so I can have a rolling paint palette and paint holder. This way I can just push it back and forth between the two big paintings, allowing me the joy of working both at once. I might even try and raise the whole thing so it is more comfy to use. I shall have to see what needs to be done and see if my darling has scrap wood he will part with. The less I have to buy, the better. Also, I am going to get a screen door so I can open the place up in the summer and get a breeze.
Please let the weather warm up soon so I can decoupage/paint/craft/felt/fall into crafting and art bliss.
On top off all this, I moved a few stray daffodils I missed, wrestled with a huge line up of blackberry bushes that are taking over a stretch of fencing, watched "The Bucket List" and a motorcycle race or two, did dishes, made French toast, and am now off to gather what I will need for the arrival of the 6 baby chicks Tuesday. Oh, and I need to make lunch for tomorrow.
Maybe I'll sleep good tonight. I hope. Not a bad Easter weekend, if you ask me!
I went through all the boxes in the studio and gave away 1/3 of what I had to a gal who is having a garage sale. then I resorted, repacked and reorganized the studio. Then out came the vacuum and broom, and I sucked up the dirt and dead bugs. It is almost 100% ready, and well past the ready mark for crafting and painting. I need to get a couple pieces of plywood for the walls so I have a seamless surface to do my big paintings on, and I need to find some lost hardware or buy replacement hardware for my easel. I also want to get some wheels for a book cube I had made for my old computer setup so I can have a rolling paint palette and paint holder. This way I can just push it back and forth between the two big paintings, allowing me the joy of working both at once. I might even try and raise the whole thing so it is more comfy to use. I shall have to see what needs to be done and see if my darling has scrap wood he will part with. The less I have to buy, the better. Also, I am going to get a screen door so I can open the place up in the summer and get a breeze.
Please let the weather warm up soon so I can decoupage/paint/craft/felt/fall into crafting and art bliss.
On top off all this, I moved a few stray daffodils I missed, wrestled with a huge line up of blackberry bushes that are taking over a stretch of fencing, watched "The Bucket List" and a motorcycle race or two, did dishes, made French toast, and am now off to gather what I will need for the arrival of the 6 baby chicks Tuesday. Oh, and I need to make lunch for tomorrow.
Maybe I'll sleep good tonight. I hope. Not a bad Easter weekend, if you ask me!
What I am liberating from the library (for a short time, anyways).
Fashions of a decade. The 1940s
Handmade nation : the rise of DIY, art, craft, and design
Eco-craft : recycle-recraft-restyle
Wesley the owl [sound recording (book on CD)] : the remarkable love story of an owl and his gir
On becoming fearless [sound recording (book on CD)] : ... in love, work, and life
Why we suck : a feel good guide to staying fat, loud, lazy and stupid
Life is a verb : 37 days to wake up, be mindful, and live intentionally
The arts and crafts movement in the Pacific Northwest
Why so many craft books, you ask? Well, look for another post explaining why!
Handmade nation : the rise of DIY, art, craft, and design
Eco-craft : recycle-recraft-restyle
Wesley the owl [sound recording (book on CD)] : the remarkable love story of an owl and his gir
On becoming fearless [sound recording (book on CD)] : ... in love, work, and life
Why we suck : a feel good guide to staying fat, loud, lazy and stupid
Life is a verb : 37 days to wake up, be mindful, and live intentionally
The arts and crafts movement in the Pacific Northwest
Why so many craft books, you ask? Well, look for another post explaining why!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
The girls!
It is so beautiful out! The sun feels so good on my skin. I have needed a couple of warm, beautiful days such as this. Wonderful!
After a trip to the vet this morning with 3 of 5 cats for a quickie check-up and shots, we boogied home and happily started playing outside. I am clearing out the weeds from around the house and liberating the daffodils, roses and peonies. Michael is playing with his farm equipment, getting ready to spray, harrow and mow various parts of the acreage. I made a potato casserole for lunch. Yum, yum yum! I gave in to my springtime desires yesterday and purchased 6 pansies and 2 geraniums for the 2 front flower pots. They have been planted and I have planted my nasturtiums seeds along the side of the house. I have also transplanted some volunteer peonies and irises. after this post I will chase the girls with the camera and try and get a couple shots for you. Besides, I want to go back outside.
This was our home only a few short weeks ago.

My spring desire. I love the orange pansies. They are my favorite pansy color.

My baby is having an after lunch snack of pasta on his ATV. The spraying aparatus is hooked up to the back of it.

The daffodils are everywhere, giving the place a bit of sunshine even when it is cloudy.
This is our place in the sun. The snow is pretty, but the sun is even better!
After a trip to the vet this morning with 3 of 5 cats for a quickie check-up and shots, we boogied home and happily started playing outside. I am clearing out the weeds from around the house and liberating the daffodils, roses and peonies. Michael is playing with his farm equipment, getting ready to spray, harrow and mow various parts of the acreage. I made a potato casserole for lunch. Yum, yum yum! I gave in to my springtime desires yesterday and purchased 6 pansies and 2 geraniums for the 2 front flower pots. They have been planted and I have planted my nasturtiums seeds along the side of the house. I have also transplanted some volunteer peonies and irises. after this post I will chase the girls with the camera and try and get a couple shots for you. Besides, I want to go back outside.
This was our home only a few short weeks ago.

My spring desire. I love the orange pansies. They are my favorite pansy color.
My baby is having an after lunch snack of pasta on his ATV. The spraying aparatus is hooked up to the back of it.

The daffodils are everywhere, giving the place a bit of sunshine even when it is cloudy.

This is our place in the sun. The snow is pretty, but the sun is even better!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Mini update
*Deep breath*
I am sitting here in the office, and the house is so quiet. Michael is away at fire drill. He is as excited as a 6 year old because they are actually going to play with real fire tonight! They will stage some burns and practice putting them out. I was just thinking I should go watch, but I think I’ll wait til they do the next one. I have a Netflix I have been sitting on for a couple weeks. I really want to watch it. I would have sooner, but the office is to cold for sitting that long. It’s a shoot ‘em up movie, so Michael isn’t keen on watching it. I will be taking advantage of my evening alone to do so. Along with 5 kitties and a cup of tea. Heaven!
I went home this weekend. Man, can I plan a day out! I packed my days just perfectly full, and I really enjoyed my visit. I miss my friends and family something horrible, but I also love being here with Michael so terribly much. Torn, torn, torn. Le sigh!
I left home about 4:30 am Friday morning and arrived in Bellevue to hook up with Autumnbear for breakfast at 8am. Then I had a chiropractor appointment, a haircut appointment (soooo needed it!) and then zipped off from there to do...well, I actually don’t remember. Sign of my age, I guess. Oh wait! I was able to hook up with my friend from Alaska until 3:30pm. She was trapped in Seattle because of the volcano, so the little bit of planned time we were going to get together became a bigger bit. No complaints here. I see her once every year or two if I am lucky. I have known here since I started working for Michaels, oh so long ago. I spent from about 4 ish until Saturday morning with my niece, brother and his beautiful wife. I baby-sat while they had a much needed evening out, and I had a much needed evening crafting and playing with my favorite kid in the world! We made a memory game and watched a movie while eating Mac and Cheese lovingly made by Beth. I even slept most of the night in her bed, although she makes my restless sleeping look like the sleep of the dead! Man, can that girl toss, turn and chatter in her sleep!. I have the bruises to prove it!
After a wonderful morning catching up with my brother, I went to my parents house. We talked and ate a late brunch, then headed to the mall for walking and to meet up with Madeline, Dave and Beth for lunch. Then home for some ohing and ahhing over the disappearing mudroom on the house. Also there was digging up of irises, black eyed susans and something else. I got to go home with transplants for the yard! Yeah!!!!
I spent the evening hanging out with a small group of work friends celebrating a 21st birthday. We went from Red Robin to a little local bar where we had a beer and participated in spontaneous karaoke form our table. The we went to the new casino in Snoqualmie and I threw $5 of my friends money to the wind as if it were nothing!
It felt great! Arrived home a few minutes after midnight and snuggled up under a warm down comforter. Dad woke me around 7:30 so I could grab a cup of coffee with him and Mom before they headed to church. I said goodbye and then drove to Ikea about 10am to meet up with another friend who was at the airport, dropping off her son. He will be teaching English in Japan for a year. We droned sorrows and caught up over meatballs in the little restaurant, and then I headed home for a pleasant evening with my sweetie.
Needless to say I am tired, but happy. I had a wonderful time, and hope to repeat it again soon. Moving has been kinda tough.
Anyhow, I will be hitting the sack as soon as I am done with this movie, so I think I will sign of and get it rolling. Toodles!
I am sitting here in the office, and the house is so quiet. Michael is away at fire drill. He is as excited as a 6 year old because they are actually going to play with real fire tonight! They will stage some burns and practice putting them out. I was just thinking I should go watch, but I think I’ll wait til they do the next one. I have a Netflix I have been sitting on for a couple weeks. I really want to watch it. I would have sooner, but the office is to cold for sitting that long. It’s a shoot ‘em up movie, so Michael isn’t keen on watching it. I will be taking advantage of my evening alone to do so. Along with 5 kitties and a cup of tea. Heaven!
I went home this weekend. Man, can I plan a day out! I packed my days just perfectly full, and I really enjoyed my visit. I miss my friends and family something horrible, but I also love being here with Michael so terribly much. Torn, torn, torn. Le sigh!
I left home about 4:30 am Friday morning and arrived in Bellevue to hook up with Autumnbear for breakfast at 8am. Then I had a chiropractor appointment, a haircut appointment (soooo needed it!) and then zipped off from there to do...well, I actually don’t remember. Sign of my age, I guess. Oh wait! I was able to hook up with my friend from Alaska until 3:30pm. She was trapped in Seattle because of the volcano, so the little bit of planned time we were going to get together became a bigger bit. No complaints here. I see her once every year or two if I am lucky. I have known here since I started working for Michaels, oh so long ago. I spent from about 4 ish until Saturday morning with my niece, brother and his beautiful wife. I baby-sat while they had a much needed evening out, and I had a much needed evening crafting and playing with my favorite kid in the world! We made a memory game and watched a movie while eating Mac and Cheese lovingly made by Beth. I even slept most of the night in her bed, although she makes my restless sleeping look like the sleep of the dead! Man, can that girl toss, turn and chatter in her sleep!. I have the bruises to prove it!
After a wonderful morning catching up with my brother, I went to my parents house. We talked and ate a late brunch, then headed to the mall for walking and to meet up with Madeline, Dave and Beth for lunch. Then home for some ohing and ahhing over the disappearing mudroom on the house. Also there was digging up of irises, black eyed susans and something else. I got to go home with transplants for the yard! Yeah!!!!
I spent the evening hanging out with a small group of work friends celebrating a 21st birthday. We went from Red Robin to a little local bar where we had a beer and participated in spontaneous karaoke form our table. The we went to the new casino in Snoqualmie and I threw $5 of my friends money to the wind as if it were nothing!
It felt great! Arrived home a few minutes after midnight and snuggled up under a warm down comforter. Dad woke me around 7:30 so I could grab a cup of coffee with him and Mom before they headed to church. I said goodbye and then drove to Ikea about 10am to meet up with another friend who was at the airport, dropping off her son. He will be teaching English in Japan for a year. We droned sorrows and caught up over meatballs in the little restaurant, and then I headed home for a pleasant evening with my sweetie.
Needless to say I am tired, but happy. I had a wonderful time, and hope to repeat it again soon. Moving has been kinda tough.
Anyhow, I will be hitting the sack as soon as I am done with this movie, so I think I will sign of and get it rolling. Toodles!
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