So, here is the post I could not post while in Henderson, due to computer hicups and whatnot. Enjoy!
Wow! Vacation is half over already. It's been unbelievably humid and hot, which I hear is extremely unusual for the area. However, that has not stopped me from having a great time! I should start at the beginning. Wednesday after work, I zipped over to Susies' house to catch a few hours of sleep before heading to the airport. Susie lives with her sister, Deb, and they own two little Yorkies- Elvis and Harley. They are very friendly puppies, and they loved that I was there. Harley was thrilled to have a launching pad laying on the couch. He spent 2 hours jumping off me and onto the coffee table. Elvis tried to sleep on me, but kept sliding off. He somehow came to the conclusion that if he licked me enough I would suddenly become skid proof. So, I tried to sleep, Harley tried continually to launch himself into space, and Elvis tried to morph me into a skid proof sleeping buddy. A very restful 2 hours indeed.
After such a restful nap, I arose and spent about an hour chatting with Susie and her sister before being whisked away to the airport. All went smoothly there, and I even managed to grab a few cat naps on the first leg of the flight, as well as an hour on the floor of the Newark airport. However, I had been up since 3am, so when I arrived in Syracuse, New York at 9:30 am on Thursday, I was pretty beat. Of course, I hit the ground running. Errands, unpacking, gift swapping and craft brainstorming ensued, so I didn't get to bed that night until almost midnight. Up at 7 the next day for a full day of vet visits, shopping, more shopping (all for the craft fair Diana was selling product at on Saturday) and lots of crafting. As a matter of fact, we went to bed at 2am on Saturday because we were busy packing up the car and making a few cool last minute craft ideas that I had come up with. Got up at 7:40am, showered and went to set up the booth and put out the jewlry. The fair was from 10 to 4pm, so it was a full and busy day. Met some great people, had lots of fun and had hot dogs for lunch! Seriously! It was a wiener Saturday for me, and that means it can't get any better!
Breaking down the booth took 2 hours, and we were both wiped out by then. Pizza was on the list for dinner, but we couldn't find anyone who would deliver to the middle of nowhere, so we zipped down to the local Italian resturant, where I had the best spaghetti ever! It had 2 big sausages on top, and really- sausages are just another form of wiener, so now I am thinking Henderson is 'Heaven' spelled incorrectly. I may never leave!
So, I am sitting at the dinning room table, making my post to catch all ya all up on my vacation while Diana updates her finances. Soon we will be drinking a few refreshing beverages and watching a few episodes of 'Trueblood'. Then we will collapse into piles of goo and sleep, sleep, sleep! I know I will be dreaming of jewlry, sweltering heat, and heavenly wieners.
Ah, summertime vacation!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
home alone.
My flights were fine. The only issue with the first leg were 2 kids behind me called Michael and Megan. I have come to the conclusion that all children below the age of 12 should be given a shot of jello with Benadryl in it as they step onto the plan. Or made to sit outside on a wing. Either would work for me.I had an invigorating sprint in Chicago to reach my plane. I made it through the doors with 3 people on my tail. Five minutes later the doors were shut and we were pulling out. Whew!I actually managed to snooze most of the trip home, and arrived safely in Portland. My bag, however, sent me a text explaining that the baggage areas at Chicago were very fascinating, and needed a bit more exploring. It stayed the night, and should be arriving around 10:30 am today, and taking a nice little ride to my house. I hope it gets a window seat.
As soon as I stepped out of my car, Spooky (neighbor's cat) was right there, demanding pets and greeting me warmly. I said hello, retrieved my carry on and turned to find Pug waiting for me. Smudge too. As soon as I opened my door, Misty was tearing around the corner, crying her fool head off with hellos. It's wonderful to be loved so much by these guys!
Then came the scary surprise. As soon as I walked in, I saw broken things all over my floor by my computer desk, and by my craft table. In a heart beat I knew I had accidentally locked a cat in when I left. I swear, my heart stopped cold! There was no cat, no dead cat smell, so I cleaned up the broken bits and went to bed. First thing this morning I ran like the wind to the neighbors. He met me halfway and assured me all was well. Peanut, apparently, hides much better than I could ever imagine. I had tossed her out, but she stealthed her way back in and camouflaged herself somewhere. I locked her in. She was in only about 24 hours, but they said once she got out she took off like a shot and the didn't see her after that. Poor thing! You can see scratch marks where she took paint down to the wood, trying to get into a window and get out. I felt so crappy! I am always so worried about this happening. I guess it was bound to sooner or later. Thankfully, I have great neighbors, and they noticed and got her out. Yeah for great neighbors!
I was worried I had mentally damaged little Peanut, but she's already been in the house several times for food and snuggles, and I have only been up for 2 hours. I think she is more okay with the whole thing than I am. I shudder to think of all the ways THAT could have ended. Note to self, making a spare key this week and giving it to the neighbors.
So, I am home, drinking my coffee and making a mental list of food stuff to buy at the local Sentry. I miss the warm sunnies and good company already. Work, apparently, is just as screwed up as ever. Susie filled me in on the ride home. The 'Big Meeting" I was so worried about was not anything to worry about. Susie isn't even sure why the 2 hours had to be wasted. So, yeah to that.
I need to get off my ass, get dressed and hit the market. need to make a 'Welcome Home' meal for myself and my suitcase.
As soon as I stepped out of my car, Spooky (neighbor's cat) was right there, demanding pets and greeting me warmly. I said hello, retrieved my carry on and turned to find Pug waiting for me. Smudge too. As soon as I opened my door, Misty was tearing around the corner, crying her fool head off with hellos. It's wonderful to be loved so much by these guys!
Then came the scary surprise. As soon as I walked in, I saw broken things all over my floor by my computer desk, and by my craft table. In a heart beat I knew I had accidentally locked a cat in when I left. I swear, my heart stopped cold! There was no cat, no dead cat smell, so I cleaned up the broken bits and went to bed. First thing this morning I ran like the wind to the neighbors. He met me halfway and assured me all was well. Peanut, apparently, hides much better than I could ever imagine. I had tossed her out, but she stealthed her way back in and camouflaged herself somewhere. I locked her in. She was in only about 24 hours, but they said once she got out she took off like a shot and the didn't see her after that. Poor thing! You can see scratch marks where she took paint down to the wood, trying to get into a window and get out. I felt so crappy! I am always so worried about this happening. I guess it was bound to sooner or later. Thankfully, I have great neighbors, and they noticed and got her out. Yeah for great neighbors!
I was worried I had mentally damaged little Peanut, but she's already been in the house several times for food and snuggles, and I have only been up for 2 hours. I think she is more okay with the whole thing than I am. I shudder to think of all the ways THAT could have ended. Note to self, making a spare key this week and giving it to the neighbors.
So, I am home, drinking my coffee and making a mental list of food stuff to buy at the local Sentry. I miss the warm sunnies and good company already. Work, apparently, is just as screwed up as ever. Susie filled me in on the ride home. The 'Big Meeting" I was so worried about was not anything to worry about. Susie isn't even sure why the 2 hours had to be wasted. So, yeah to that.
I need to get off my ass, get dressed and hit the market. need to make a 'Welcome Home' meal for myself and my suitcase.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
last day
I cannot believe how fast this vacation went, and how full it has been. Last night and today are the first day I have slowed down. I always seem to need a vacation from my vacation.
I am on the sun porch, my feet on the sunny window sill, Tutti napping in the chair beside me, and Diana quietly crafting away in the room next over. It's comfortable here. Diana is a special friend. She and I get along well, even when we fight. I can say 'no' to her and it is okay. You don't just find that anywhere.
I could live here. It's a small town half an hour from a big town. There is yard work and crafting and job opportunities (possibly) here. However, my heart still seems to be lodges in the cracks and crevices of Mist/Birkenfeld/Vernonia. I know better than to leave before my heart is ready.
I am packed and ready to go home. I don't want to. The stress of work is lurking behind my shoulder. But I miss my kitties and my things, as always. Sometimes I feel like an unmixable combination of gypsies and farmer. I want the joy and thrill of the new, but the security and safety of the known. Oil and water.
I am on the sun porch, my feet on the sunny window sill, Tutti napping in the chair beside me, and Diana quietly crafting away in the room next over. It's comfortable here. Diana is a special friend. She and I get along well, even when we fight. I can say 'no' to her and it is okay. You don't just find that anywhere.
I could live here. It's a small town half an hour from a big town. There is yard work and crafting and job opportunities (possibly) here. However, my heart still seems to be lodges in the cracks and crevices of Mist/Birkenfeld/Vernonia. I know better than to leave before my heart is ready.
I am packed and ready to go home. I don't want to. The stress of work is lurking behind my shoulder. But I miss my kitties and my things, as always. Sometimes I feel like an unmixable combination of gypsies and farmer. I want the joy and thrill of the new, but the security and safety of the known. Oil and water.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Okay. Seriously? Really???
I can NOT believe how freaking hard it is to get a postcard in this joint. Or a shot glass. I mean, seriously. Every where I go in the REST of the United States is equipped to cater to the poor tastes of the American public. It seems I have found the one little bitty area along the east coast that has taste. Kinda.
Oh, but they DON'T have customer service. Nope. They see you here, and they scatter like cows running from the mother ship. Un-be-lievable! And when you manage to corner one between the store equivalent of a tree and the fence, you get "Ummm. I don't think we do. I'm not sure. Did you look by the gift cards?"
Um, yes I did. I actually looked there BEFORE talking to you. Okay? Okay.
So, obviously, my quick trip to town to pick up a few postcards to send to ya all failed. Not from lack of trying, though. We went to Arsonel Wine and Liquor, Kinneys, Rite aid, MacDonalds (ya never know) and Walmart. Oh, and Hacketts in Sackets Harbor, but that was closed. And the museum. The local post office was also a bust. However, the hot, melted gum I stepped in at Walmart really cinched the deal.
We are home now. You will get no postcards. I am going to move here and open a freaking postcard store. Seriously.
No postcards for you.
Oh, but they DON'T have customer service. Nope. They see you here, and they scatter like cows running from the mother ship. Un-be-lievable! And when you manage to corner one between the store equivalent of a tree and the fence, you get "Ummm. I don't think we do. I'm not sure. Did you look by the gift cards?"
Um, yes I did. I actually looked there BEFORE talking to you. Okay? Okay.
So, obviously, my quick trip to town to pick up a few postcards to send to ya all failed. Not from lack of trying, though. We went to Arsonel Wine and Liquor, Kinneys, Rite aid, MacDonalds (ya never know) and Walmart. Oh, and Hacketts in Sackets Harbor, but that was closed. And the museum. The local post office was also a bust. However, the hot, melted gum I stepped in at Walmart really cinched the deal.
We are home now. You will get no postcards. I am going to move here and open a freaking postcard store. Seriously.
No postcards for you.
Justice IS blind!
This is Justice. He was brought to the vet as a kitten with massive eye infections. They had to remove them, and Diana had to adopt him because she is a sweet, caring soul who knows a good thing when she sees it! He is a sweet, playful little guy. You would NEVER know he cannot see from how he behaves. OKay, except for the occasional bumping of his head into a wall/table leg/human leg. He purrs like crazy, plays like crazy, and is going to be absolutelu HUGE when he is done growning. From the marks on him, we think he has a little bangel in him.
the shirt, and our peek a boo purse!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Diana and I have been busy, busy, busy! Seriously. This quiet, lazy day has been neither. However, it's been a fun day. We sat on the sun porch and had coffee this morning. She has a beautiful sun porch, despite the fact that it is a daiquiri ice color. We enjoyed the breeze and much reduced humidity, easing into the day. Then, when all that resting and crap was over, we got busy!
I won't bore you with the details, but there was cleaning, laundry, packing, sorting and other such nonsense all going on up in here. Occasional photo snapping, cat playing and other short breaks were inserted. I pointed out to Diana that she is actually a 6 cat household. Yep. She has 3 feral kittens living in her back yard with their mom. The are veeery cute, and I can feel it in my bones that she is doomed to love them and care for them, even if they stay outside feral cats forever (which they will, but that ain't a bad thing).
I wandered off about 4pm for a long walk down some of the long roads in this beautiful, quiet, and very flat area. This town is a strange combination of old and dilapidated, and old but maintained. ALL of it is run down. No new houses here. Lots of quiet that consists of wind, birds and the sound of vast sky and forever cornfields. It is beautiful. It is soothing.
It jarred me into a little discovery about myself, as well. With the noise and distractions stripped away, I can see how hurt I am. Michael, Richard, work. I am pretty gun shy about people, noise, things in general. I don't remember it ever being this hard to just get over it and move on. I don't know; maybe all my past troubles and ghosts are starting to catch up with me a little. Not saying this to get sympathy or even because I feel sorry for myself. Just saying it cuz it's there.
I find it interesting.
So, the sun is setting, my chores are done for a bit. I see dinner in my future, although I do not think it includes wieners. Oh well. Life isn't perfect.
Diana is making a shirt from three belts and an old pair of jeans. It's for me and it's pretty cool! She's a fabulous seamstress. I envy her. I am getting ready to download another round of pictures from today, so when I am done, I will post some.
I won't bore you with the details, but there was cleaning, laundry, packing, sorting and other such nonsense all going on up in here. Occasional photo snapping, cat playing and other short breaks were inserted. I pointed out to Diana that she is actually a 6 cat household. Yep. She has 3 feral kittens living in her back yard with their mom. The are veeery cute, and I can feel it in my bones that she is doomed to love them and care for them, even if they stay outside feral cats forever (which they will, but that ain't a bad thing).
I wandered off about 4pm for a long walk down some of the long roads in this beautiful, quiet, and very flat area. This town is a strange combination of old and dilapidated, and old but maintained. ALL of it is run down. No new houses here. Lots of quiet that consists of wind, birds and the sound of vast sky and forever cornfields. It is beautiful. It is soothing.
It jarred me into a little discovery about myself, as well. With the noise and distractions stripped away, I can see how hurt I am. Michael, Richard, work. I am pretty gun shy about people, noise, things in general. I don't remember it ever being this hard to just get over it and move on. I don't know; maybe all my past troubles and ghosts are starting to catch up with me a little. Not saying this to get sympathy or even because I feel sorry for myself. Just saying it cuz it's there.
I find it interesting.
So, the sun is setting, my chores are done for a bit. I see dinner in my future, although I do not think it includes wieners. Oh well. Life isn't perfect.
Diana is making a shirt from three belts and an old pair of jeans. It's for me and it's pretty cool! She's a fabulous seamstress. I envy her. I am getting ready to download another round of pictures from today, so when I am done, I will post some.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Mural update
I did a lot of 'fine tuning' this last visit. Put stars in the little alcove where the bed goes, fixed the edge of the island where it meets the sky, changed some of the sand modeling, etc. I also blocked in the wave at the other end, and finished the water-meets-sand part. A few other little things were done and discussed, but I left feeling quite happy with where I am. The next visit will consist of putting some sand texture on the wall, and painting the underwater half of the attic. I need to figure out a few tricky spots, still, but I'm not worried to much about it.
Wow! Has it really been 12 days?
I can't believe it's been so long since my last post. Things are all crazy up in here, and I am ready, ready, ready for my vacation in Syracuse, NY. My job is getting to me, and I need to walk away from it for a while. I can't do that here. The friend I am visiting is Diana. I meet her 7 years ago, and we hit it off instantly. We have been fast friends ever since. She adopted the quirkiest of my MEOW cat rescue fosters, and still calls me with stories! I adore her, and she understands me. I hate that she lives so far away now, but that is life. I have a blissful6 days with her, and they will be even better than the last time I saw here because I am not dating Michael, so I don't have to watch a clock all day and call at specific times and whatnot. Yeah!
Pug is such a character. I absolutely love the happy toes he has in the picture. He is so the guy for me!
I was putzing around the house a few days ago and saw this gem of a photo shot.

Monday, July 5, 2010
Latest ATC swap.

This was a chicken swap, and the idea was inspired by a co-worker and all the crazy going on at work. It's not the greatest picture. I had to shoot a photo instead of scan it, but here it is! It says, "Her Karmic Chickens had come home to roost. It did not look good." I love all the rubber chickens, like some big joke. It's a bit how I feel at the moment. Glad someone out there is having a good laugh! *grin*
Friday, July 2, 2010
This is the first night in three weeks that I don't have to turn on my alarm clock. I am not going to work. I am not going to Seattle. I am not going anywhere. Okay, I will probably go to the bathroom, but that is an entirely different alarm.I hope I wake up to rain. I want that sound while I snuggle in bed with Pug and listen to my alarm clock not go off. Le Sigh!
Extra arty update.
I have been painting a mural in a friends show house. The room is an attic space that is 33 feet long. I'm painting a total of 875 square feet. I've driven up 3 weekends in a row, and will be up many more. I love how it is starting to look. Dad, thank goodness, helped me with blocking in the main colors the first time I was up. That took forever!
So, here are the basic pictures so far of the end I am working on. I want to finish that next weekend and get the fishy end started!

So, here are the basic pictures so far of the end I am working on. I want to finish that next weekend and get the fishy end started!

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