Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pig pile and recent swap.

This morning I saw this fabulous Kodak moment! These two sisters truly adore each other.

This is a recent hand drawn/painted ATC swap I finished.

I know you look to these journal pages for substance (Hahahahahaha!!! I crack myself up!), and I have yet to give you any updatey goodness on so many things that have happened recently. Especially the fabulous visit of Peter and Ursi. However, I am just not in the posty mood. Work is in full retail holiday swing, and it's a tough on this year. Just pop in occasionally and see if I have had a moment of posty excitement. It's bound to happen sooner or later!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Being Ruths friend can be so hard!

I adore her, though, so it is all worth it. We have high wind and storm warnings starting around 8pm tonight. They are to last until Monday morning. So, I went over and put up the last support post and stapled the fencing to it. Then I started on the wind break of clear plastic. She has a bunch of small sheets we could piece meal together, but the prospect of doing that didn't make me happy. So, I measured the place up and walked to the local hardware/liquor store and bought a huuuuge roll of 4-ply white-ish plastic. With her help I have gotten it up, and we will check how it is holding up throughout the day, and see if we need to put up more. About 1/3rd of the outdoor cat hotel has been sheeted off.Hopefully that is all we need to do, but there is plenty of plastic left for more encasing goodness

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hmmmm,,,a little behind, aren't I?

I see I have no posts about the fabulous visit with my uncle Peter and his lovely side kick, Ursi. Seems like I have been to busy to post much of anything. I did just spend 3 hours at Ruth's house, steam cleaning her carpets for her. Only 1/3rd left to clean. I really must like that lady to do all this crazy domestic stuff. *grin*

I'd promise to post about the visit, but right now I am

A. Not in the mood to do anything else structured.
B. Lazy.
C. All of the above, and more!

So, sorry folks. Nothing to see here. Move along.
A veggie so full of cabbage-eee goodness shouldn't be so hard to prep! I just made a yummy apple-rabi slaw, but good GOD!!! Peeling and grating exhaustion! I need a little food preper...

What a way to end a week!

Today, in the fabulous town of Vernonia, two men were standing between their trucks comparing rifles. They were in the post office parking lot. Awesome!
On my way home a few days ago, I had a car with 3 kids in it (all 12 or less) pass me. The adult driving was in full clown get-up! Face paint, red nose, afro orange hair.OMG!!! I love my drive home!