Lost power again last night. My phone wakes me up when it comes back on, though. The instructional voice tells me I need to press the center button for 'menu'. Then it beeps. The microwave helps the phone by picking up the beeping and continuing until I put in a time. Then there is the red flashing of my alarm clock, and the green flashing of my oven clock. Really? Seriously? There is no way I can sleep through a power out in this house.
The cats decided to have an exchange of words about 4am. If I had a machine that could translate cat-speak into english, it would break. The sounds that come out of these cats mouths would make words that I am sure would make a sailor cry. Since I can't understand them, I try to play referee and calm the masses. "Misty, what are you growling at? You can't even SEE Pug from here!" "Smudge, he's not even TOUCHING you!" "Pug, stop laying so close to them. There is plenty of room up here. You are just trying to annoy them!" After a few minutes of this, one of two things happen. They settle down, or I kick them out. This morning they went out. They will stay out until I come back from crafting at the fire station. It will (hopefully) do them good.
So, it is Saturday, and I choose to arise at 5am. Why? Well, because I want to bake a pie to take to craft-o-rama day, and I didn't want to mae it last night. So, I have my hour to coffee and computer it up, then I will make pie, shower, pack the care with the entire contents of my magical craft cabinet, and head out. I be all excited! It's been months, and I am looking forward to hearing what everyone has been up to this summer.