The weekend went fabulously! We had a great time watching 'Numb3rs', reading, getting our 'craft' on, socializing, and walking around town. Mom spent Saturday with me and the ladies crafting,. I taught her how to make Inchies. She and I both got to see the new tender the Mist/Birkenfeld fire station had been able to aquire. Ruth even came with us! We ate at the Blue House (Meditarainian food), the Grand Lodge( where Peter and Ursi stayed on their visit), and the weather was even nice! I have a new toaster, compliments of the house guest and Dad, which I have used a TON in a few days. I missed having a toaster!
Pug slept with Mom every night, and hung out with us while we played a game of dice.
Really, it was a great Mother's Day weekend, and I hope to get another one in before the year gets busy.