I love my kitties. Their purrs are the best symphony.
I finally made it to 4 weeks paid vacation with Michaels. Granted, a few of my years were only part time hours, but damn! 20 years = 4 weeks??!! Glad to have the extra week, though, because Dad and I will be doing another road trip this year, and it will certainly help getting paid to take that time off.
I have discovered (actually, more like finally realized) what it is that I hate about libraries. Time limits. That, and other peoples holds on the book you are reading forcing you to have to turn it in before you are done. It makes me all "Why bother". Oh well. Maybe if I stick to stuff no one else finds interesting...
I awoke to this view this morning and had to share.

Be happy I did not share the view of me, freshly out of bed with bed head, hot pink fuzzy robe, and owl hat, clutching my cup of coffee for my morning facial coffee steam treatment. I was even quite a sight for ME to see this morning. Thank goddess I only own one mirror.
Misty really enjoys the kerosene heater we purchase. Usually she is sprawled out with her belly facing it, seeing how long it takes to melt. Today she was being a bit more lady like about the whole 'morning warming' process.