Saturday, July 28, 2012

I am sitting here trying to think of what it is I have been doing on this trip. Time has gone by so fast. We re-arranged a bit of the furniture upstairs yesterday to make way for the beautiful antique dresser we found at one of the sales we visited. That took up a few hours. I almost finished the painting. I need to get the high up edging with the special high up edging tool. A coat today and a coat tomorrow, and I will be done. Then it's clean up the upstairs, since we kicked up a lot of dust bunnies and moved a lot of things around yesterday. I got my postcards done and mailed. Spent time reorganizing one of Dianas jewelry displays. That took a few days, as I had to card most of it and figure out how to get it all in the space, while having it make some sense. I love merchandising! Lots of kitty playing, too. Justice and Faith are forming a tentative friendship. It's funny to watch them 'air box' with each other. They sit back on their haunches and gentle paddle at the air in front of them. Each thinks the other is closer than they really are, so they pretty much biff the air with about a foot or so between them. Funnier than all get out! I didn't really go anywhere, or even take any walks. It was simply nice to hang out and not have to go to work. Might have to take a stroll about town today to make up for it. But first, I need lunch!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Here is the Facebook album link. I will be adding more as the days go by, so keep checking it!
Today was a 'run around and get it done' day, but we didn't get it done. Le sigh. Tomorrow we will have to pick up where we left off. Such is life. We went swimming in the lake last night, which felt fabulous! There were not that many people, but there was quite a bit of ink running about, and nice ink at that! So, how about a few pictures? Okay? Great! (BTW, I will start an album on Facebook and post a link here you can keep checking.) So, we have a picture of Dianas house with Diana doing her Toyota pose. Justice,one of Dianas blind cats, snoozing on the porch. Then There is the jewelry booth and new sign. We had Color Guard show the colors. It was a touching ceremony, with a great singing of the National Anthem. Then a picture of me, showing off my porcelaine skin.
Tomorrow, we finish the errands and do some things about the house. I like those kind of days!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Art in the Park craft fair was amazingly sucessful for Diana this year. Over $500 in profit. W were both writing ou sales slips for a while. She has a Cube, so that also helped to bring in business she would not have otherwise gotten. I am sitting on the sun porch, drinking coffee and enjoying the morning breeze and sun. Everyone is still sleeping, so I have the place to myself. I am waiting for it to be late enough West Coast time to call Mom and Dad before they head off to church. Then I will download some pictures, and help inventory sales from the show. I love that my organizational skills are appreciated here. I love being able to help Diana get reorganized after a show. I was having fun trying to get a short video clip of Faith, running around with a crinkle ball in her mouth. She is a sweet, energetic little fuzzball, and she makes me miss my babies. Back to coffee and quiet morning surfage. More later!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Well, I am in New York State for my yearly vacation. I am working on a banner for Diana's new craft both and listening to music. It's cool, cloudy and beautiful out. Vernonia was much hotter and more humid than this, but the weather report promises more Vernonia-like weather in the next few days. Yeah! I have two people to meet up with while I am here. I am looking forward to meeting and chatting with both. I also plan on Geocaching while I am here. Apparently this is a hot spot area for caches, so it will be fun to see what I can find. Well, I am going to make some coffee and get to work, but I promise there will be posty goodness and pictures to come!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

After a semi productive morning and afternoon, I laid down for a snooze, and was awakened by a call from mom. She is an alarm clock I don't mind hearing! We chatted a few minutes, and then I got up and had a little ice cream and some apples for dinner. Yeah. I know. But I am an adult, and sometimes that's just what I do. As soon as I sat down at the 'puter, Misty climbed up on my lap, so I think I'll put in a little time here before wandering outside with my sketch pad and doodling markers. I am in the mood to doodle, and sit in the evening air. I should do something a little more structured, but I can't bring myself to even think something more structured up. Must be a sign. I have all day tomorrow to get things done, so I think I will enjoy the rest of today. I did hit a few garage sales. I bought a pair of bootie slippers at one for $1, and the other was a "free; take it all" pile on a tarp and table. I made off with a beautiful green windbreaker from Cabelas! Score!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Well, after posting my eye injury adventure, I realized I have been quite absent here. Sorry about that. Sometimes I forget that there are people in my life that are actually interested in my life. It simply doesn't seem all that interesting to me. I'm glad to know that to others, it is a train wreck they simply can't look away from! Last you were updated about anything significant, I had a sweet man in my life. However, for reasons due to his past, he split. It hurt me in a way I have never been hurt before, and I simply curled up like a potato bug ( Rolly Polly to you other folk) and slept/ate/cried away 2 months of my life. I am struggling to get out of that place, and thankfully am down to the occasional cry and a few good days. I have acquired a new friend, and he is actually willing to call and chat, as well as do occasional things, and that helps. Also, the continual support of my friends and family help. Life would so suck without you! I skipped the garden this year. Work has been tough, as usual, and I just don't have the energy or desire. I planted snap peas, pole beans, lettuce and a tomato in my front flower beds, and they are doing quite well. My Nasturtiums are exploding all over the place, and I have my first flower on them! Yeah! I have spent most of my free time in the last few months removing things from my home that have negative emotional attachments, or that I simply feel 'meh' about. 7 boxes have left the building, and I am into the 'room by room' deep purge. My spring cleaning is going to wander into summer, but I don't care. It feels good, and that is a feeling I love to have. I thumb my nose at you, Bad Feelings! Take that! I going on my annual trip to New York to visit my dear friend Diana for 2 weeks. Then I will come home for a few days and take another short vacation to Whidbey Island to hang with family, and maybe see a couple local friends there on the island. I am trying to find 7 more days to pend at home with family before the holiday season ramps up. Did you know Michaels already has: Fall bushes, flowers, wreaths and other home decor Halloween wreaths, ribbon, and-wait for it- the crafts will be arriving next week. Joy. Back to School grids??? Please! The kids have only been out a week! Other than that, the kitties are fine, I had Mom down for a fun Mothers Day, and Dad down for a Fun Fathers Day, and I and going to spend the 4th of July with friends in Estacada. There ya have it. Now, go do something fabulous!