Monday, February 16, 2009

My first day working, and other stuff.

It was very surreal. I have not worked in the Beaverton Michaels since 1997, and I was surprised at how much I recognized, how much came back to me, and how fast. I briefly crossed paths with my department manager and partner in crime at the end of my shift. Again, it was very surreal. I worked with Susie for over 3 years in Issaquah, and here she is again. Driving home via Costco and seeing a mix of things that were present when I lived in the area surrounded now by new things was like looking at a double exposure.I had a great day, but I am feeling a bit disjointed from all the old/new crashing into my eyes. Oh, and from getting up at 3am. Ugh. I will end up liking it, but it will take getting used to.

Yesterday was a very productive day. Michael moved my computer desk into the office, so I now have more storage. The black table my computer was on has replaced the picnic table in the dining are. That has been moved to the back porch and replaced the table that was out there, and THAT table was moved into the shoe room, where I had stacked all my boxes. Lots of furniture shuffling for one afternoon, but it sure does look all nice and spiffy now.

I never realized how much my little computer desk held. I am glad to have it back, as it has allowed me to unload a ton of boxes. I am down to 7 in the office, and a couple of those will be easy. The others will take more time and mental strength than I have today. I want to get a little more shuffling of things done before Michael gets home. I want him to have as much of his house back as possible as soon as possible, and I want my things. I will tackle the boxes in the shoe room another day.

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