Thursday, March 5, 2009

An average work day. Boring read.

So, my workdays seem to be about like this;
The alarm goes off at 3am. If I am lucky, there is snuggling and a little chatter before rising. I like when I am lucky! Michael takes the first shower and gives me a holler when he is done. While I wait for his hollering, I snuggle with a random assortment of kitties and think about my day. Then I shower, dress, eat, pack my lunch, drink coffee, and leave. If it is frost/snowy out, I load up the car and start it, but then head back in where it is warmer and wait a couple minutes. If it is just raining, I head out right away. On the way to town I listen to my Zune. My brother gave me an adapter for the car for Christmas, and I L.O.V.E. it! Makes the hour and 20 minutes go by much faster. At work, I spend the first 3 hours listening to podcasts on my ipod. This gift from Michael has also proved to be a life saver. I am having a blast listening to Cartalk, Craftypod, The New Yorker, and many other podcasts. I am plowing through them at a fast rate, and always looking for somehing new to try.
At 9am the headphones go away for the day. Except at lunch and on breaks. Out they come for more podcasty goodness.
I punch out at 1:30pm and head home. This is when I try and stick in an errand or three. I have found very convenient stores locations for my shopping needs, and I am doing things like getting a library card, opening a bank account at the local credit union, and mailing things, etc. All a little at a time. I get home, pet cats, change clothes, make the bed and get repacked for the next day of work. Then it's time for a visit to the chickens, a visit to the mailbox, and dinner. Michael gets home at varing times, but is good about emailing me or calling me to let me know what is going on. I spend my evening putzing around with unpacking and doing stuff that gets me settled in, and then it's bed time. Usually between 7 and 8pm.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

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