So, our local (and only) grocery store had a Valentine drawing for a HUUUUUUGE teddy bear. I think between me and my honey my name was entered into the drawing 5 times. It wasn't to hard. Every time you bought something, they would hand you a piece of scrap paper and have you put your name and number on it. Very straight forward and small town. Gotta love it.
Monday I came home to a phone call from the manager Randy telling me I had won the second prize in the drawing. Now, I hadn't even known there was a second prize, so this was a nice surprise. I changed my clothes and walked down to the local market to collect my prize. I don't know what I was thinking it would be. When I was handed the prize, I almost laughed out loud. It was the biggest, cheesey-ist cheap chocolate filled Valentine heart I had ever seen! Esh! They handed this thing to me with such joy, so thrilled for me that I had won! I noticed my name on a piece of yellow construction paper, taped below the shelf they had the heart and the teddy bear displayed on, where everyone could see it! As I walked home with this monster box of chocolates tucked under my arm, everyone I passed said "Congratulations! You won!"
They all knew what the box of chocolates was from, and they were all aware I had won this magical drawing. They were all thrilled for me.
I really live in a small town. Really. When I got home, I tried one chocolate, spit it out, and decided to take it to work and share my spoils of Valentines day. I have never- nor will I ever be again-so thrilled to win something I so hate! It was a comical little adventure, and made me love this town even more!
By the way, the heart is 16 inches in diameter and 17 inches tall.

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