I had such a good weekend. I needed the time alone, and accomplished many tasks and played around as well. By Sunday afternoon I was missing my man, so I headed into town and spent the evening with him. My weekend felt full and well balanced. Monday I went to the Fire Station right after work and hung out with Mary Lou. I helped her fill the planter with flowers and then attended the monthly 'Helping Circle' meeting.
I haven' spent time with Mary Lou since I stayed in her place for a few weeks last year. It was nice to chit chat and play in the dirt. I found this guy on the walkway behind some things, and moved him to a tree. He was as big as half my hand, and very sleepy. I could feel his feet gripping tightly to my skin.

So beautiful! Also found a bright green tree frog, and on my way home I passed a horned owl sitting on a low, open branch. Would have loved to find a place to pull over and look at him for a while. They are such beautiful creatures.
Hard to believe my week is half over. Where does the time go?
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