Been having issues with not having enough outlets or space around my computer for my stuff. Part of that is simple laziness on my part. I used to be fine, but got tired of always having to plug/unplug my various USB cords for my camera, Zune and other little electronic trinkets. I also have a cat who hangs out on the top of my computer desk, and uses my printer as a sounding board on the way up and down. not good for the printer. So, this morning I did a little measuring and swapped out two shelving units. Although this does nothing for the outlet shortage, it protects my printer quite nicely and give me a little more storage space. Now I simply want to find some nice lidded containers to place some of my junkier things in so I can visually tidy things up. This is the before picture.

This is the after picture.

Also, I was inspired by Lady Mockingbird and a lamp shade she is making from copper wire and beads. So, I sat down and pulled out my beads and some floral wire, and spruced up the bottom of my reading lamp. Now it is all shiny and sparkly!

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