Saturday, October 6, 2012

Diana's mom is gone for the next few days, so I was able to spread out my boxes a bit last night without worry of setting off her OCD. I was able to unpack another 7 because Carol picked up some cool shelves from Ollies that fit on top of my dresser. Yeah! I will finish the rug today, and get ready for a delivery of stuff on Monday or Tuesday. Yep. The parents will be here with the rest of it soon. Yeah! They will be gald to empty their car, and I will be glad to take it! Diana and I will be hitting a local rummage sale today. I am hoping to find a few of the things I am looking for to finish up my closet, and get a few more things unpacked. It is all finally coming together and I am feeling like I have a personal space here to stretch myself out in. Pug has been going out, and he is happier because of it. However, he has realized there isn't anyone outsideto play with, either. Poor booboo! He and Justice are poised on the edge of playing. Faith gave it a go the other day, and although Pug didn't go for it, he wasn't a big meanie about it either. All good signs that he's adjusting well. Misty has discovered Diana's lap, so that is a good thing. She needs her lap time. She wanders downstairs, even when I am not around and hangs out. This is her way of saying she has excepted where she is, so Ha! She is claiming the space as hers, but still wants major amounts of lap time from me. She's my silly little cranky pnats, that's for sure! Smudge is having the hardest time. She went out for the first time 2 days ago, and practically took off running for the nearest bush to sit under. She feels safe under bushes apparently. She was out there about 45 minutes before I had to bring her in. She spends most of her time under the bed in the guest room. I am not thrilled about that. She is super skitish. She does wander downstairs during the early mornings or late evenings when things are calm and quiet. I hurt in my heart for her. I wish the sun porch wasn't full of packed crap so she could at least enjoy that. Le sigh! It will change for her eventually. I feel we have the rest of the month for outdoor adventures before itgets super cold and rainy/windy/snowy. I hope to get her out a lot more between now and winter.

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