Well, what have I been up to? Lessee... Not much, I guess. The weather has been snowy and cold for the most part. And by that I mean 99% of the time. Spring is apparently saying our neck of the woods for last. To busy everywhere else making her presence known. Since she is a big show-off, she will eventually have to mosey our way. So, I wait, like an antsy little kid trapped in that horrible place between after-service and being home. Com'on, Dad! Get the car already and lets get out of here!
So, here is a great shot of the first day of spring.

Glorious, right? People keep laughing and telling me we can get snow up through Mothers day- like that is even funny! Spring is going to have to put on one helluva speed performance if she keeps putting things off. Just saying.
Diana and I have been concentrating on her shop. Here is a picture of the shelving assembled, and filled with pretties.

The soft opening is April 20th, and she will open for summer business mid May. Should be fun!
Lessee...I am up to the usual shenanigans and tomfoolery. Nothing new or exciting in my life, really. Probably why you don't hear from me much. I should have a burst of posting goodness when spring rears her pretty little head and gives me glorious things to take pictures of. Until then, I give you a picture of a cat. Note how The Queen of All That is Hers (Which is Everything) reclines on her pillow while snuggled up to her favorite heat source; the gas fireplace. No, the pillow doesn't get hot. Yes, she has melted the hair on her tail a few times getting comfy. But only a little.
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