I inherited an outdoor cupboard from my neighbor when he moved out. Unfortunately, it was rotted out on the bottom, so when I went to move it, I ripped out the hinges on the bottom. Suddenly, I had a new project. I was, however, very motivated to do this one because having outdoor storage would remove things from in my increasingly crammed apartment.
So, wanna see some photos? Good!

First, I had to cut about a foot off the bottom. This involved power tools, which I love to use. I am afraid of them, but when they belong to me, I am not as worried about doing whatever I am doing 'wrong' and messing up the project or the tool. It's mine, so no one else can complain/supervise/ridicule.

I had plenty of fuzzies to check my progress, and they all gave it approval at various stages, so that boosted my confidence.

I then had to prime the inside, all the new cuts on the old board, the new bottom I made, and where the hinges had been. Once that was done (and approved) I put on the bottom and cut the doors down to size. I put on the new hinges and places the doors. Lastly, I had to move part of the latch so I could lock it up. I started on Friday and finished Saturday before 2:30pm. Not bad for a girl who has to wing it. My house id empty of a few space-consuming items, and I am enjoying the cleaner, sleeker look of my living space. Yeah me!
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