I spent time with Lisbeth, Bill's lovely wife. This is the first quality time we have ever gotten together ion the 23 plus years they have been married/together. It was fun! She's an amazing woman, full of life and laughter. Smart as all get out and cooks like a pro. Our quiet time chatting in the mornings was the best part of my day. I've missed out on a great person, and hope to make up for that.
I also was glad to get time alone with Bill and his mom. They were a huge part of my life growing up, and being able to chat without others around was awesome. Again, I hope to make up for lost time here.

As the people trickled in I realized how much I had missed them, and the gathering we used to do. However, I must wait for the right time in order to move, and as to where I want to move, I am unsure. Sometimes, I wish hard for that winning lottery ticket. The friends I would visit! and the places I would live.

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