Friday, May 1, 2009

Well, it seems the kitty that was dropped off at the farm has a sibling that was dropped off with her. We had a first sighting a couple days ago. All black, long hair, golden eyes. Michael named it Porter, and I am simply going to refer to it as a he for simplicity sake. I hope these guys aren't part Tribble, or we will fast run out of room.

PB is becoming comfortable being in the house when we are around, and we can pick her up for pets and snuggles. Porter does not flee from us, but stays a safe distance. He's not sure what to think of us, but seems to want to be friends. Maybe his watching us interact with PB will help him realize we just want to be friends and take care of him.

chick pic

The chicks are growing fast, replacing their downy softness with real feathers, and seem to be doing fine. My computer has been having issues, so this chick pic is a little old. However, it will have to do.